Featured Organizations
Learn more about the organizations that are featured in Re: Saginaw, get directly involved in the community.
In order of appearance, click images to learn more
Wickes Park Clean-Up
Every year, local photographer Howard Sharper organizes a group of volunteers to clean up the mess at Wickes Park.
"It's up to the people who use the park to take care of the park."
Saginaw Gators
In a city where the Parks and Recreation budget has been reduced to nothing, Otis Ray started the Saginaw Gators, an AAU youth basketball team. Expenses are mostly out of pocket, and they are currently raising money for their second annual banquet.
Major Chords For Minors
Providing free music lessons for children in grades 3-12, Major Chords For Minors fills the gap where music programs have been cut. Get involved by donating time, money, and instruments!
Rock Your Locks
"Every time we would come down this corner I just thought, 'Man, that would be such a perfect spot for a salon,' not thinking that it would ever happen."
Owners Janey and Kelsie moved Saginaw's only rock & roll salon from Bay Road to Old Town in 2015. They've quickly become an asset to the neighborhood and continue to be involved with the community.
Counter Culture
When their landlord didn't like all the noise, Counter Culture purchased property in the City of Saginaw and re-opened an all-ages art and music venue. There is something for everyone all the time, so get off your couch!
Pops Skate Shop
Jerry Wilson owns and operates Pops Skate Shop while working hard to provide skateboarders in Saginaw with everything they could possibly need.
Morgan's Shoe Repair
"People still think I'm out of business, but I'm not out of business! I'm here."
Morgan first started shining shoes at Bujouves Shoe Repair on Franklin and has been working in Downtown Saginaw for decades.
Bradley's Bistro
Bradley's opened in Downtown Saginaw, bringing delicious American cuisine with ingredients straight from local farms. Don't forget to try the donut!
Preservation Saginaw
Preservation Saginaw is a social media group run by the owners of the beautiful Wolfarth House on Hoyt Ave. The immaculate restoration of this 1890s mansion reframes the discussion on what is "too far gone."
Gideon Christ Community Church
Chet Atkins leads a growing congregation in Downtown Saginaw, seeking the lost and channeling a turbulent life into inspiration. He preaches that people should not be judged by where they are at in life, but instead focus on what they can become.
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