Broken Windows

it starts at the streetscape
The Broken Window Theory has been informing decisions for decades, but recent research has shown that there is little evidence to connect broken windows to an increase in crime. What researchers at Northeastern University did find, however, was a direct connection between broken windows and a decline in the mental health of the residents in the surrounding area.
Broken windows are a common source of blight, but they are surprisingly simple to fix. We know from experience that the restoration of historic windows is a highly visible and effective method of removing blight. The average home demolition now exceeds $20,000, but a single pane of glass can be replaced for less than $100. Re: Saginaw Community Development has an in-house capacity for restoring broken windows both on-site and at our workshop in Downtown Saginaw.
Circular Economy & Waste Reduction
Much of our restoration work is done using salvaged glass that has been donated to us or found on the side of the road. We believe in creating a circular economy that reduces waste, keeps materials out of the landfill, all while eliminating blight and bringing a sense of improvement to the streetscape. Window restoration is a simple, low cost improvement that delivers a huge return on investment while saving tens of thousands of public dollars that would otherwise be spent on demolition. Broken windows may signal abandonment, but repairing those windows signals improvement.
I’ve Got Old Windows!
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